PRESS RELEASE – On January 16, 2023, the Coalition for Reforms, Integration and Consolidated Institutions (KRIIK) published the PUBLIC STANCE “Avoiding abuse of state resources as well as correct and impartial behavior of the public administration employees, essential for ensuring the intact will of the citizen in exercising the right to vote”. While on January…
Author: admin-2
Recommendations on the draft decision “On the approval of the program of education, information and awareness of voters, for the elections for local government bodies on May 14, 2023.”
The voter education, information and awareness program prepared and carried out by the CEC is considered by KRIIK to be of major importance for the challenges faced by the electoral process in Albania and the consequences that negative phenomena bring to the rights and freedoms of citizens observed starting first from the improper implementation of…
RECOMMENDATIONS on the Draft Decision “On the approval of the program for the training and monitoring of the electoral administration and some other actors for the elections of local government bodies”
A. Regarding the first point of the Draft Decision, the Title of the Program and especially in the point “I. Its purpose and principles, we think that it would be appropriate to define who these other actors are that are charged with electoral duties or involved in the elections. The clear definition of the target…
RECOMMENDATIONS on the draft-instruction “On the communication method of the Central Election Commission with the municipalities in the framework of the coordination of information on the elections for the local government bodies on May 14, 2023.”
1. Municipalities have an important role in the electoral process according to the provisions of the Electoral Code and the by-laws of the Central Election Commission. In this framework, KRIIK finds it very appropriate and commends the CEC for standardizing the information sharing mechanism between the CEC and the Local Government Units, by defining the…
OPINION on the Draft Decision “On the approval of the report of findings from the audit of funds received and spent by political parties participating in the elections for the Assembly of Albania, dated April 25, 2021”.
In its communication of November 2 with the CEC, KRIIK has expressed its Position, especially on the political level of the issue, where, among other things, it emphasizes the need to address all violations documented and officially made available to the CEC since June 2022 (in the form of indications), in addition to their publication…
RECOMMENDATIONS on the Draft Decision “On the rules for the registration of voters from abroad for the elections to the Assembly”.
KRIIK evaluates the activity so far as very positive and commends the Central Election Commission for its commitment and the steps taken in the process of preparing the regulatory plan to enable voting for Albanians living outside the borders of the country, as far as the law provides and the legislator has provided. As it…
RECOMMENDATIONS on the Draft Decision “On the approval of the report of findings from the audit of funds received and spent by political parties participating in the elections for the Assembly of Albania, dated April 25, 2021”.
KRIIK assesses as very important, even vital for the state of democracy in the country, the legalization of the activity and financial reporting of electoral subjects. Full transparency, proper and complete reporting according to the legal regulatory framework and then the control of financing for election campaigns, but also of the entire annual activity of…
RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding the draft instruction “On determining the criteria for the selection of election monitors and their appointment procedure.”
KRIIK evaluates the control mechanism through monitors as very important. Despite the problems observed in the functioning of this mechanism so far, it remains a link in the process that should be further strengthened through legal amendments. In the current conditions, there is a need for this mechanism to be improved under the existing legal…
The Sunday Parliamentary elections in Hungary and the elections in Serbia monitored by Albanian observers, part of the ENEMO Monitoring Missions
The Parliamentary Election of this coming Sunday, 3 April 2022, in Hungary will elect the 199 future members of the Hungarian Parliament for the next 4 years, in a mixed proportional and majoritarian electoral system. The European Network of Election Monitoring Organizations (ENEMO) started this International Election Monitoring Mission (IEMM) nearly two months ago, engaging…
STATEMENT – Tomorrow’s Partial Local Elections extremely important for the prevalence of democratic values and principles in the future of the country
After the decree of the President of the Republic on January 20, 2022, tomorrow, on March 6, 2022, will take place the Partial Elections for the Mayor of the Municipalities of Dibra, Durrës, Lushnja, Rrogozhina, Shkodra and Vora. This election process is administered by 13 Commissions of Electoral Administration Zones (CEAZ), as well as 941…